Schlagwort: Leadership

Don’t motivate people

This article explores the misconception that leaders can motivate their employees through external rewards like bonuses and promotions. It argues that such extrinsic motivators can harm long-term engagement and relationships with work. Instead, the focus should be on awakening intrinsic motivation by understanding what drives individuals and connecting their passions to their roles. By fostering open communication and a sense of purpose, leaders can create an environment where employees feel engaged and inspired. Ultimately, success comes from empowering individuals to pursue their interests and aligning their work with a meaningful mission.

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Increase Engineering Productivity by 50% Through Focus and Flow

Keeping developers focused and in the zone can boost productivity by 50%. But how do you create such an environment? Beyond cutting down on meetings, this article offers eight practical tips to help your team work better. From working together on tasks to writing clear documentation, find out how to make your software team more productive and less stressed.

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Why We Need to Stop Measuring (Developer) Productivity — Part 2

Measuring developer productivity is a flawed endeavor; it often replaces uncertain realities with misleading certainties. While metrics can offer insights, they cannot directly quantify productivity. Instead of seeking elusive measures, focus on understanding and eliminating barriers to engineers‘ best work. After all, nurturing an environment for outstanding work is a more valid approach to enhancing productivity.

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How BRYTER Achieved Increased Developer Experience, Ownership, Product Quality, and Engineering Effectiveness through Continuous Deployments

BRYTER, a German LegalTech company, improved how they update their software by moving to continuous deployments. This change allowed them to make updates faster, improve their software quality, and give their teams more control and understanding of the process. As a result, they saw fewer problems and could fix issues quicker.

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Why We Need to Stop Measuring (Developer) Productivity — Part 1

Productivity metrics, once useful for traditional businesses, are now outdated, especially for developers. Relying on these numbers can harm businesses. Metrics can be misleading, causing negative practices. We need to prioritize trust and communication over mere numbers. This article urges a rethinking of our approach to productivity.

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