Tag: Employee Happiness

Increase Engineering Productivity by 50% Through Focus and Flow

Keeping developers focused and in the zone can boost productivity by 50%. But how do you create such an environment? Beyond cutting down on meetings, this article offers eight practical tips to help your team work better. From working together on tasks to writing clear documentation, find out how to make your software team more productive and less stressed.

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Things I love and hate about the state of software companies in 2024

This started as a rant, not meant to be published. But sticking to my “New Year’s resolution” to write about what triggers me most, I decided to publish it anyway. I wanted to publish it as a LinkedIn post, but it got too long. So here is the unshortened, unpolished and authentic original version of this document, most of which I wrote on my phone after waking up on a Sunday at 5:45am. 😬

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Improving Developer Experience: Starting with Psychological Safety, Team Stability, and Work-Life Balance

Improving Developer Experience is pivotal for fostering creativity and driving innovation. Rooted in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, this article delves into the essentials: psychological safety, where trust and open communication reign; team stability, ensuring productivity amidst consistent team dynamics; and work-life balance, prioritizing personal well-being alongside work responsibilities. Prioritize these, and witness enhanced performance, engagement, and overall organizational success.

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11 Tips to Prevent Survey Fatigue in Your Organization

This article offers 11 practical tips to combat survey fatigue, a common issue when gathering developer experience insights. Key strategies include clarifying survey purpose, simplifying content, making it engaging, reducing frequency, timing it well, and ensuring optional anonymity. These tactics aim to enhance participation, improve the quality of responses, and ultimately, derive more accurate data to enhance the developer experience within an organization. Be mindful of incentivizing, as it may affect the sincerity of responses. These strategies are designed to provide a more efficient and effective surveying approach.

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Deep Work is a Team Effort

Deep work and team work are not mutual exclusive but deeply interconneted. Collaborating as a team is the purest and most efficient form of deep work and can help your team to achieve peak performance.

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